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ICQ v6
  • Latest version of the popular ICQ instant messaging program. New features such as audio and video built in, conversations grouped, advanced search options, SMS and a myriad of exciting new features....
  • Downloaded 839 times
ICQ Password 1.0.295
  • ICQ Password is a password recovery tool for ICQ. Whenever you lose or forget your password for ICQ, make a couple of clicks and you will get a list of all ICQ users on the computer....
  • Downloaded 458 times
ICQ Translator 2.0
  • ICQ Translator is a tool that provides instant translation of messages and other texts in major European languages. With ICQ Translator you can chat with your friends on ICQ, AIM, MSN and Yahoo! Messenger even if you don't speak each other's language. All you have ...
  • Downloaded 332 times
ICQ Voice Message 1.0
  • ICQ Voice Messages allows ICQ users to record and send voice messages up to 15 seconds long to each other. It also allows users to attach text messages to the recorded voice message....
  • Downloaded 173 times
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