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Game Maradona
  • Use your mouse to click on the ball and add points to prevent the ball from falling to the ground....
  • Played 17.837 times
Soccer Free Kicks
  • You have 20 seconds to kick the ball on goal, you can earn extra points if the ball touches the bubble bonus. Calculates the power and the shooting angle with your mouse....
  • Played 23.855 times
3D Super Ball
  • This game is to add points kicking the ball in the central rectangle on the wall. You have 30 seconds to add the maximum amount of points, if you click on the purple bubbles will join those seconds to your total time...
  • Played 34.326 times
Football one against one
  • Turn goals and prevents your opponent win you, you can play against the computer or against another player....
  • Played 19.924 times
World Soccer Champion
  • Take your team to the final of the world championship and win the Soccer World Cup!...
  • Played 12.870 times
Series of football penalty kicks
  • Kick a series of penalties your keyboard and mouse....
  • Played 18.422 times
Table football
  • Table football game where you must turn 5 goals to win the match. You can play against the computer or against another player....
  • Played 31.835 times
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Total games found: 18