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Tennis Tournament
  • This tennis game lets you play simple games or complete tournaments against the computer. To play, use the arrow keys on your keyboard and the spacebar....
  • Played 53.596 times
Tennis Doubles
  • The Wimbledon Championship is here! Reach the victory and become the doubles tennis champion!...
  • Played 17.407 times
Wimbeldon Hero
  • Choose your player and start the game of tennis, use your mouse to define the power and direction of each shot. ...
  • Played 9.491 times
Yahoo Tennis
  • Complete game of tennis in which you can play a match against the computer, using your mouse to navigate within the game. ...
  • Played 13.699 times
Tennis ball in the air
  • The game is to keep the tennis ball in the air for as long as possible, achieving the maximum amount of hits....
  • Played 11.236 times
Techno Tennis
  • Original game of tennis where you can earn points by playing the ball square on the wall of your opponent. Use your mouse to play....
  • Played 9.810 times
Tennis Smash
  • The game is to prevent the ball touch the ground as long as possible, use your arrow keys and the spacebar to hit the ball....
  • Played 11.368 times
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Total games found: 7