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Games for MSN Messenger

Games and applications for MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger

There are different sites on Internet that let you install games and applications for MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger, usually downloading files in .exe format. For security it should be avoided, we recommend you to choose the option of the MSN applications and games launched from the Web, which not require downloading or installing additional files and let you enjoy games and applications on your MSN launched directly from a website.

Some of the games and applications available for MSN Messenger and WLM available are:

- Disney/Pixar: WALL-E Scrap Shoot
- Wimblepong
- Fishticuffs
- Live Pong
- Live Voicematch
- Ratatouille
- GoPets
- Karamball!
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Supreme Air Combat
- BrainBattle
- Stack 'Em
- Movin' It
- Jigsaw Too
- Vapps MSN/Windows Live Conferencing
- Virtual Address Book
- Uno
- Juzzi's Pool
- Watvoorkuddedierbenik
- GnoeGnoe Revolution
- Baksteen, kaas en eieren
- Battleships Extreme
- Talpa TV Live
- Snake 2
- 3D Tic Tac Toe
- Gwaam
- Eccky
- MSN Soccer Challenge
- Cobouw Penalty Game
- Big Monster Battle
- Dead Man's Tale
- The Da Vinci Code
- Messenger Cup 2006
- The Secret Girl's Dress Up Game
- Windows Live Safety Scanner
- 7 Hand Poker
- Mah Jong Tiles
- Blowkwartet
- Bejeweled Valentine
- Monsters Backgammon
- Reverso
- Yahtzee
- Rooms
- Tic Tac Turbo
- Coast to Coast
- Donnie's Disc o' Darts
- 4Across Birds
- Pegball
- Hexic
- Xpress Greetings
- Cubis
- Mozaki Blocks
- Bankshot Billards Club
- Chess Club
- Upwords Club
- Wheel of Fortune
- MSN Calendar Sharing
- Mixed Messages
- Checkers Classic
- Checkers
- Minesweeper Flags
- Solitaire Showdown
- Bejeweled Classic
- Movie Trailers & More

Most of these games and applications are compatible with MSN Messenger 6.2, MSN Messenger 7.0, MSN Messenger 7.5 and Windows Live Messenger 8.x.

To use these applications and games, you must enter the games section of the site using the browser Internet Explorer, open the MSN Messenger or Windows Live Messenger and log in to your account. Within the site, click the Play Now button on the application you want to use, and it will open a new window that will allow you to choose the contact you want to start the application.