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Current Emoticon Category: Flags emoticons

Flag of Algeria
  • Width: 50px, Height: 33px, Size: 1kb
  • Seen: 37.959 times
  • Downloaded: 4.119 times
Flag of Argentina
  • Width: 50px, Height: 32px, Size: 1kb
  • Seen: 31.113 times
  • Downloaded: 3.776 times
Flag of Brazil
  • Width: 50px, Height: 35px, Size: 1kb
  • Seen: 26.032 times
  • Downloaded: 2.162 times
Flag of Germany
  • Width: 50px, Height: 30px, Size: 1kb
  • Seen: 24.193 times
  • Downloaded: 2.256 times
Flag of Morocco
  • Width: 50px, Height: 33px, Size: 1kb
  • Seen: 21.662 times
  • Downloaded: 2.238 times
Flag of Albania
  • Width: 50px, Height: 36px, Size: 1kb
  • Seen: 19.267 times
  • Downloaded: 1.508 times
Flag of Italy
  • Width: 50px, Height: 33px, Size: 1kb
  • Seen: 19.021 times
  • Downloaded: 1.708 times
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Total smileys and gifs found: 243