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How to install sounds and PLP files in MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger?

To install new sounds in your MSN Messenger or Windows Live Messenger, you need to install the free software Messenger Live Plus.

The packs of sounds for MSN Messenger of MSN Live Plus are packed as PLP files, if you want to download packages of sounds you can visit our section of sounds for MSN.

Installation of new sounds in MSN

After have downloaded the PLP file from MessenTools.com or another location and have installed the MSN Plus Live, open your MSN Messenger and log in your account.

Open the MSN Plus menu and click the option Sounds Library.

Within the section custom sounds, you can manage your sounds, editing, deleting or adding new sounds to your library. The MSN Plus Live allows you to add sounds in different audio formats from your computer, and also import packages of sounds in PLP format.

Click on the button Import / Export and choose PLP file.

Choose the package of sounds in PLP format from the location where you have downloaded it on your computer.

Next you will see the sound files of the PLP file you selected above, here you can select which of audio files in the package you wish to add to your MSN.

Then you can end the import of audio files or adding another package.

To send sounds, open a new window of conversation with the contact you want to send the sound, and click on the button sounds of MSN Plus, choose the category you want to send sound and double-click on the sound you want to send .

Your contact will ear the sound only if he have installed too the software MSN Plus Live.

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