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How to install PLSK Skins for MSN Messenger and WLM?

To install Skins for MSN in PLSK format, is necessary to install the free software Messenger Plus! Live.

Once installed the MSN Plus! Live, you must follow these steps:

1) Open the MSN Messenger or WLM and log in your account.
2) Go to the tab Plus! and click on the Preferences option.
3) Within the MSN Plus! Live preferences, in paragraph Customize select Skins.
4) Choose the PLSK skin you want to install into your MSN by clicking the Import button.
5) Restart your MSN Messenger or WLM and your skin will be installed.

To turn it off, go back to the original appearance of MSN or install another skin, you should just repeat the steps and return to the section to customize / skins of the preferences of MSN Plus! Live.

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